I have been pondering lately about whether someone created a situation by manifesting it, or had a premonition about the situation. I'm referring to negative events in this thought.
"How To" books about manifestation have been in our libraries for generations. Manifesting is the idea that what we think about and desire, will come into our lives. Typically love, money and health are on the wish list for many. Our generation, has seen this topic of 'manifestation' morph into a large industry with events, movies and celebrities. Many people have found a new sense of control over their lives learning that their thoughts have power and can result in their dreams and desires coming true.
Premonitions have been documented in texts as old as the bible. In later years, psychics and witches making premonitions, were often being persecuted by churches and fellow citizens. Documented stories of individuals having a premonition are primarily disastrous, where it is about a plane crash, natural disaster, accident etc,. In some instances, people were saved from these horrific events.
And herein lies the question, when are we having a premonition, and when are we manifesting?
You Reap What You Sow, OR, You Predict The Future?
I'll give some examples of my personal experiences: (I am using fictitious names for privacy).
Jo, an acquaintance, announced to me each year, when she was going to the doctor for her yearly exam. She told me that she wanted to make sure she didn't have cancer. For context, she was 42 and had never had cancer and was a healthy and vibrant individual. On the 7th year of our friendship, she was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. She passed away 8 months later.
David shared with me in a business meeting, that "there was no point in worrying because we're all going to die. I'm just going to be sitting there and drop dead from a heart attack. So I'm just going to live my life." (He was healthy and didn't have any health issues at the time and his parents and siblings were alive and well.)
He did 'drop dead' from a heart attack, 10 years later, while sitting and watching TV at home. He was 60 years old.
Amber, who was a successful retail business owner, jokingly said to me, that one day she'll be living in a cardboard box in a ditch. 16 years later, she was living in her car.
When John first started driving, he would obsessively look in his rear view mirror each time he came to a stop at an intersection. I asked him why he's doing this and he told me that he wanted to make sure no one rear ends his car. Three years later he was rear-ended, his car written off, but thankfully alive.
Shannon shared with me that she had a realization after she broke her leg. She told me she needed to stop saying "Give me a break!" as a retort to someone.
Have these people manifested their situations, or did they have a premonition about it?

What Is The Answer and Where Is The Power?
It's easy to rely on second-hand information, that is parroted by many in the multi-billion dollar self-help industry, and make a sweeping statement, that all of these people created their situations and manifested it. With this idea, comes negative judgment of these people.
Some might ask, why on earth would someone wish this upon themselves? Are some people just ignorant of how the universe works? Are people being subliminally pushed into fear and worry in this world? Is it Kharma? So many possibilities.
The power in figuring out this dilemma, is to rely on your own experiences and observations. It is one thing to attend a seminar and learn a technique for success and tell everyone about it, and it is most powerful, when you actually experience it.
Something To Consider?
Experiences and observations are the power. There is no correct all-encompassing answer as to what these people did - manifest or predict. There are however, some observations I've made in my years as a Psychic Medium that you may find helpful and that you may want to consider for yourself.
Tell-tale signs I've seen, are the characteristics that show the condition of the Soul.
On the one hand: Is the individual light-hearted, creative, have a desire to create happiness for themselves and others? Do they lift people up? Do they have a love for the natural world that includes animals? These individuals are likely to have a premonition of a challenging life circumstance, and otherwise have a fulfilling life they desire.
On the other hand: Is an individual angry, full of fear, hopeless, feeling as a victim, blaming others, not aware or cognizant of people around them? I have observed these individuals to be manifesting a challenging life circumstance, and having a life of drama and unhappiness.
And finally, a person who speaks of a horrible situation constantly and regularly, is manifesting this outcome. The person who describes a bad situation and then moves on, has had a premonition about it.

To clarify the idea that someone is always light-hearted and never feeling hopeless, is not true. Rather, those who are light-hearted and fall into unhappiness, can reach up, and out of this experience. They gain greater understanding of themselves, like Shannon did in the story above.
I'm interested to read your observations on my Facebook page!